Sunday, August 5, 2012

May Day

May Day, 1914 must have been a fun time in Monterey.  In the scrapbook there's this photo of the high school girls, I'm assuming from Monterey High School which is where my grandmother, Loraine Gunzendorfer, went to school.

They had quite a turnout and it looks very festive with the girls decked out with flowers and ribbons.

And on the next page we see some more photos, although I'm not sure these are from May Day.  Fortunately for me, she wrote lots of captions in her scrapbook that helps me identify what's here.

Sis, Ruth,, Elizabeth, Hollie, Marion, Rachel and Loraine
Loraine is third from the right and she is actually smiling.  I never really thought about it until now but I really don't remember her smiling too often.  Looks like that could have been true for her even as a teenager.  The only name here that could be someone from her class is her classmate Hallie Agnes Hitchcock.

And here are the boys.

Oh those boys?  I wonder what they might have done to warrant that description?  Again, no classmates jump out at me except Elbert could be John Ebert Hitchcock.

She wrote a few things on this page but nothing really makes sense.  I'm guessing that the mementos she wrote about have disappeared for the last 100 years.  But there are a few menus that are interesting - I've never heard of an egg drink before.

Looks like Matt may have been someone special in her life as they had a "big time" together.  Sure would like to know the story around that.

For a little hook,
In your memory book.
Quite a dapper young man!

I sure like seeing the things that were important to her back then.  How I wish I'd come across this when she was still living so she could tell me more about these things.  I guess I'll just have to use my imagination.


  1. What great discoveries! Often we only know our grandparents after they have reached an age where frivolity is completely improper. It is difficult to imagine what they were like in their teens and early 20's. I think you can see a peek into these joyful years from your grandmother's life.

  2. Great photos and I love Matt's painting, but I'll pass on the Egg Phosphate drink! Jo :-)
