Sunday, March 12, 2017

Heading North from Crater Lake

The Levy Family motoring trip of 1940 continued north – next stop, Crater Lake, Oregon!

Crater Lake Postcards

This was a souvernir that someone in the family added to the scrapbook.  Yes, I know it’s spelled wrong but I think that adds to the story since that was the way it was captioned. 

And the back of the postcard packet.

Crater Lake Postcards Back

July 3 – Sometimes Oregon is a low country because sometimes - Oregon Caves.  Corny, right?  For anyone who knew my uncle, Rob Levy, you know he was the king of corny jokes.  So was he the scrapbooker?

Another corny joke…..

A dear of the caves

And then we see the familiar trio – Gordon, Loraine, Rob.  Looking good!

The familiar trio

Don’t fall over?  What in the heck does that even mean?

Don't fall over

And to prove they actually visited the caves, a ticket was included.  I had to laugh that coveralls or shoes may be rented at 25¢.

Oregon Caves ticket

I’m starting to feel like this is a bit of a treasure hunt – we see where the family spent the day and the finale was how much they paid for their lodging (not loging).

Here it is

The scrapbooker states that July 4 was at Crater Lake, Oregon.
.We payed for this one

Yes, that’s right.  We payed for this one.

But this Dad took

But this Dad took.  That tells me that one of the boys was the scrapbooker.  Although my grandmother always called Sig “Dad”, too. 

This one is titled Massive.  Isn’t that the truth?


And here’s my dad looking so cute!

Nice Background - Gordon

And some more photos of the lake.

Oregons original swimming pool

We finally see one of Sig.  I can’t get over how stylin’ they were while on a motoring trip – can you even imagine how families would be dressed today?

Levy at Crater

And the stop wouldn’t be complete without a statement of their charges for the night.  They spent almost as much in meals as they did in room charges. 

Crater Lake Park Statement

Looks like they had a quick stop in Roseburg.

Bought this at Roseburg

Not sure what they bought (or brought) but, of course, we had to see the hotel bill.

Hotel Umpqua

Next stop – Portland!


  1. Only a brother would caption the photo of your dad "Nice background" especially when it was practically invisible.

    1. Good point, Wendy. I, too, wondered what was so nice about something we couldn't see.

  2. I think the "Don't fall over" caption refers to the fact that it looks like the land has a sharp upward incline on the right. And I also think your uncle was the scrapbooker. It's interesting that he had all the hotel bills. I can't imagine my father giving me copies of those since he always was trying to keep us from knowing about how much these things cost!

  3. What a neat scrapbook! Enjoying the "road trip." And, I do think it is neat how nice people used to dress while traveling.
