Sunday, November 14, 2021

52 Ancestors: Stormy Weather - Snow!

For most of the country, snow isn't an unusual event and people, particularly adults, dread winter arriving because of snow.  

But I grew up in San Jose, about 40 miles south of San Francisco, where snow is something kids (and I'm sure, secretly, adults) wished for.  Almost every year we were severely disappointed but on January 21, 1962, the unexpected happened and it SNOWED!  It was an event worthy of the front page of the Oakland Tribune the following day.

Oakland Tribune, January 22, 1962, page 1

I remember waking up that Sunday morning and running outside to see for myself.  Sure enough, there was a light dusting of the white stuff on our front lawn.  Somewhere I remember seeing a photo of my mom standing there but because my memory says she was in her bathrobe, maybe it's a good thing I can't put my hands on that photo now.

But I found a few photos and this one from that day in San Bruno shows the amount of snow I remember.  

I really don't have memories of going to the snow as a child but as I looked through my dad's slides, I found proof that we did, in fact, have at least one visit.

Not much snow here!

Yosemite, 1958

Big sister explored and found a little more.

I don't know when or where this was but it goes to show you that Dad had some photography "issues" and often times the subject lost all or part of their head.

Big Sis, Me

Not sure where this was but by my brother's age, I'd guess it to be about 1964.

Did I really try to ski?  I do remember going as a teenager and after one trip down the hill I vowed I would never try that again.  And I haven't!

Being that my parents and all grandparents/great grandparents grew up in California, I don't have many photos of any of them in the snow.  But my paternal grandfather, Sig Levy, must have strayed away from Fresno at least once to play in the snow.

That's a big snowball!

Now that we live in Washington, we see snow more than I'd like but it does provide a peaceful and beautiful setting.  Just keep me off the roads!



  1. Fun photos and memories of a memorable period of stormy weather--snow!

    1. It was a really big event, especially if I remember it (my memory is shot).

  2. Great photos! I don't think of California getting snow. We had tons growing up in NY!

    I didn't get this post through email like I usually do. In fact, I haven't gotten any of your posts in a while. If I hadn't seen this on Facebook, I'd have missed it. Are you no longer sending out email notifications? Or did I just miss it? Let me know!

    1. The posts come out from While I could swear I saw you on the list of followers previously, I just checked and you are not there now. Maybe try signing up again?

  3. Weird. I still got an email notification of my comment though. I know blogger did something to screw up email notifications. I've also lost a couple of other blog subscriptions.

    1. The comment notification comes from Blogger - the actual post notification comes from I've learned that the receiver gets the notification at about the same time they signed up. So, since you just signed up (I can see that you did), you should get notifications of a new blog post at about 12:30 p.m. your time.

  4. OK, thanks! If I don't, I'll let you know (assuming I see the post on Facebook).

    1. I'll let you know next time I post (typically Sundays) and then you can let me know if you received it via

  5. I skipped the Stormy Weather theme but if I had thought of snow, I could have joined in. Great photos!

    1. I remember the snow in 1962 but that's it. But I remember LOTS of snow since we've lived in Washington.
