Sunday, June 11, 2017

Scrapbook #2 – Sig is a busy guy

Page 5 Sig 1_12_1952
January 12, 1952

Yep, that’s my paternal grandfather, Sig Levy.  As I continue to go through his scrapbooks, I’m reminded that he was a busy guy.  It seems like he was involved in just about everything – now I know where my dad got it!

Not just involved in everything, but he saved EVERYTHING!  Sometimes I can figure out why but others, not so much.

Case in point is this article.

Page 5 Food Poisoning

I can understand why he saved it since he was one of those who became ill, but WHY did the newspaper feel compelled to put that news in the newspaper?

Sig was the Publicity Chairman for this patriotic event.

Page 5 Gold Star Mothers Photo
Page 5 Gold Star Mothers

And then the newspaper used a similar sketching for a different article showing he was the co-chairman of the Parade Committee.

Page 5 Arrange Gala Celebration
Page 5 Navy Day Fete

An interesting article in the Los Angeles Herald Express.  Nice to know Sig was helping to get our veterans back to work.

Page 5 Fresnos Job Plan Operative

He seemed to have a real interest in nursing programs, although I’m not sure why, as there were several articles about that.  I thought this photo was interesting.

Page 5 Fresno County Hospital

I started looking for more information about the new wing so that I could compare it to today and had to stop – must. not. go. down. another. rabbit. hole.

1 comment:

  1. How many scrapbooks do you have like this? I wonder what your grandmother thought of his news clipping and scrapbooking!
