It's quiet today so I took this opportunity to go through a box of things my mother has had in her garage for who knows how long. Many years ago we found a carboard box lying open on the floor and I just knew it was filled with treasures. Several months ago my sister boxed everything up and sent it to me and after a quick look-through, off it went to the upstairs cavern. I found a gazillion letters that were written to and by my father when he was off in WWII, a bunch of newspaper clippings, and various other things that were just waiting to get out of that box. So today is the day and here's a few things I've found.
My Dad - Gordon Levy
March, 1942 |
This is my dad when he was just 15 years old - wasn't he a cutie?
Here's his discharge papers from the Army. I requested this information from St. Louis a year or so ago and got something back that I could barely read. I knew this had to be around somewhere and now I've found it!
And here's Mom and Dad on vacation. I'm guessing it was about 1960-1965. I love seeing how happy they were!
These weren't in the box but because I'm being sentimental, I decided to scan them and add them here.
My paternal grandmother
Mildred Loraine Gunzendorfer Levy
March, 1974
My maternal grandmother
Clara Maxine Fitzgerald Martin Hunter
March, 1974
My maternal step grandfather
Sheldon Abb Hunter
March, 1974
My paternal great uncle and his wife
Wilton Louis Gunzendorfer and Natalie Traube Gunzendorfer
1978 |
What fun this has been and I can't wait to read all of the letters!