Sunday, August 30, 2020

52 Ancestors: Unforgettable - Cut Out Faces

This week's blog prompt - Unforgettable - brought so many memories to mind of unforgettable events in my life.  I couldn't nail down what I wanted to write about so I took a tour of the slides my dad took that I recently discovered and had copied - surely that would bring some great memories to mind.  And it was then that I noticed a theme - cut out faces.  You know, those 'props' you see at amusement parks and other places with a background painted and the face is cut out so people can put their face in and pose for a photo.  I don't know if they have a 'real' name but I'm calling them cut out faces.  

As kids we used to make the drive from San Jose to Disneyland - about 400 miles - and we always made a stop at Andersen's Split Pea Restaurant in Buellton.  Dad captured our visit in 1959 and took a few photos.

Sister and me


Dad - must have let someone else use the camera

This must have been a few years later and might have been at Knott's Berry Farm.  I guess this is technically a 'cut out legs' photo.  Sister is rocking the sun glasses!

We also used to spend some time at Frontier Village, a western themed park near our home in San Jose.  Little brother got into the act!

Brother - c. 1964

We might have taken our oldest daughter for a visit as I'm not sure where else this might have been.  Hands up!

c. 1979

In 1987, we made a trip from Washington to San Jose to Disneyland and then drove north to get back home to Washington.  I seem to remember some sort of Cabbage Patch Kid museum or park - of course we had to have a cut out faces photo of our daughters in the cabbage patch.

And then grandchildren got into the act at a nearby pumpkin farm.

Thomasson Family Farm, c. 2009

Oops, a big kid made it into the picture.

I'm sure I have many more cut out faces but this was a fun start.  It's given me a nudge to get back to organizing photos.

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