Sunday, November 11, 2018

100 Years Ago Today

100 years ago today, 11 November 1918, the Armistice was signed which ended fighting on land, sea and air in World War I between the Allies and their opponent, Germany.  This was an exciting time and today we are celebrating and remembering those who fought for our freedom.

One of those veterans was my paternal grandfather, Sigmund Levy (31 July 1888 – 16 August 1968).  I’ve written a lot about Sig over the years but I thought it fitting to write about him today as he was a member of the Flying Cadets at March Field anticipating the end of the war 100 years ago today.  You can read a bit about his service, as well as the service of some other ancestors, HERE HERE HERE and HERE

Sig Military
Sig Levy, c. 1917-1918

Sig registered for the war on 5 June 1917 in Fresno, California.  As I’ve stated many, many times, Sig was short and he didn’t try to hide it when he registered.  Of course, there really was no way to hide that fact.

WWI Registration pg 1WWI Registration pg 2

I thought the best way to describe the feelings my grandparents were having 100 years ago was to share the letters they wrote to each other as the war was ending and the Armistice was signed.  On top of that, they were engaged to be married and congratulations were pouring in.  Loraine’s letters in red, Sig’s in blue.  I had to go all the way to November 14 when Sig was grounded for good because he was too short.  I just can’t get enough of the love that oozes off these pages!

November 9, 1918 – 5:30 am
Friday eve
[March Field]

My darling Boy

Just spoke to your mother over the phone to tell her good-bye and she said she hadn’t heard from you. I was hoping for a letter today but will probably find one at home. I surely hope so. Your mother is fine and said she was so excited yesterday over the peace news. Then it all had to be spoiled. But let us pray that the Germans will accept our terms.

Had the loveliest letter from Leon today and I’ll send it to you, dear, as soon as I answer it. Melvine Schwarzbaum phoned a few moments ago to congratulate me and asked me to extend his wishes to you. He wanted to know what would be a good cure for a broken heart, Said he guessed he wasn’t quick enough.

Our announcement came out in the Emanuel today and the woman didn’t put it in a bit nice – leave it to them. I am not even going to get any copies – I gave it to her entirely different than she put it in. I hope the article in the Fresno paper will be good.

Don’t know a thing, love, to tell you, love, except that I am all packed up and ready to leave tomorrow morning at 7:30 for that is the time they are going to leave. Can you picture me leaving at that time?

Uncle Milt and Aunt Chas came in a little while ago and are here visiting. I am finishing this so they can mail it when they go. They enclose their love to you, sweet. Spoke to Bella a short while ago and she said to send her and her family’s love to you and said she hoped to see you soon.

Am so anxious to hear all about your camp and how everything is getting along. Sweetheart, don’t you think I am a good little girl to write to you every night? I love to write to you but some of my letters will be short on account of not very much news some days. After I get home I’ll have a little more to write about for awhile as everything will be news.

You know that I love you more and more and am thinking of you always and am hoping for your return to me very very soon. Then we will be so happy.

All my love, dearest, and then some. And a real kiss.

Yours forever

March Field
November 9, 1918 - 10 A.M.
Friday night

My Sweetheart:

Well another day is over and I am still alive - and I had my first flight. Sweet it was a wonderful ride and I felt right at home - honest it didn't frighten me a bit. Was up for almost an hour just on a joy ride and went up a little over 2000 feet. I have a peach of an instructor and he is a Mason so that helps. They strap you in tight and away you go - it really is fascinating - and they also have you take hold of the controls and run the ship for a tiny bit now and then. It only takes the least bit of movement to sway in any direction I dressed up real warm and was not at all cold in the air - have my helmet, goggles, etc. & look like the real stuff. Wish I could send you a picture love, but they don't allow them down here. From now on I fly every morning so wish me luck. I have the same instructor every day. I can't reach the rudder control without stretching a lot so I am having a pillow seat made. They seem to think that I won't have any trouble flying and there are a lot of pillow aviators down here. But if I do sweet I'll not venture beyond the proper point so don't worry - but it seems that it is going to be easy to handle the plane from today's experience. The country below looks beautiful & I didn't feel at all sick and took it all in.

We have classes every hour down here the same as at Berkeley - but I find they are mostly reviews & one don't have to concentrate on them.

Listen sweetheart, did you get the clipping from the Republican. I didn't & am anxiously waiting to get it. I cried to Herb for a pillow to sleep on & it came today - believe me I've had a hard pillow up to now. The eating is rotten I hope I can live thru it - if the war would really stop all would be fine.

Received your very sweet letter today and thanks for all your love. I'm writing at the Y.M. tonight & Widekund is sitting opposite me doing likewise. He sends his regards to you. He also bunks alongside me & we are paling together.

Dear I just wish you could see this gang. Honest you would enjoy it - they do everything from pick & shovel to thrilling flying & go around like tramps. I see Seigel every day - he is doing very good he says. But it only takes a little mishap & they throw you out. But I'm not worrying - just taking it as it comes & enjoying it.

Sweet I'm sending you a big lot of wonderful love tonight and now your boy is a real flier. I wish you were here so I could hug you a lot in our own way - gee I long for it & my cough has just about vanished. Bye-bye for tonight - oodles of love & kisses. Also love to your folks.

Your own

November 10, 1918
Saturday night
[March Field]

My very own Lover

My pen must not have enjoyed its trip down very much as when I took it out a minute ago I found it wouldn’t write. So here goes for pencil – you won’t mind I know.

My, but I was excited, love, when I read your letter that you flew yesterday and I knew nothing about it. How I hope that everything was fine and that you enjoyed your first trip in the air.

Had a very pleasant ride down this morn.

Oh, love, Dad just this moment phoned that the Kaiser abdicated, also the king of Prussia. And how I hope it is true – what wonderful, wonderful news.

To continue – rode down with Jule and his wife as far as Salinas. Hym couldn’t go. We left at 8 o’clock and had a very pleasant trip. At 12 o’clock when I reached Salinas I phoned to Dad and he drove to Salinas for me, so now I am home – until I got to my new home and the way it looks it won’t be so very long before I’ll go there –

So far it feels good to be here. Oh, the Fresno paper came with our announcement. But no picture. What happened, dear. Haven’t seen it yet as Dad took it to our paper to have the article put in as coming from the Republican and it is to appear tonight.

Your letter was such an interesting one, sweetheart, and surely the life is entirely different than at Berkeley. Am surprised they are sending you up so soon. And you said you didn’t think you would fly at all. One can never tell, can they? Am glad I didn’t learn of it until it was over but am so anxious to hear all about it.

You didn’t send me the address of that note of congratulation so I can answer same. Shall write to Leon tonight, then I’ll send you his letter.

Like the monogram on the stationery you wrote on – it matches my pin. The folks were very much in love with my ring. Oh, dearest, I hunted up the letter you wrote to them and it was adorable – a very cute letter I thought. And I am very proud of my little boy.

Hope that severe army life won’t be too much for you. If you don’t get enough to eat let me know and I’ll send you some goodies. Am going to start to learn to cook now, dear, so I’ll be able to cook a real meal for my boy some day. Shall learn to bake and the like. You’ll have such a nice little housewife you won’t know what to do.

Started this this aft and am finishing it this evening. Feel fine being at home, there is nothing like it – if you could only be here all would be complete. The enclosed appeared in tonight’s paper here – copied from Republican. Didn’t give you much of a send-off, love, said nothing of your former life. Have already received congratulations from some of my friends here.

We are going to take out lunch tomorrow and go off for the day. It is a glorious night and tomorrow will be a nice day I hope. Am going to take my chum along with us.

My old tooth just started to ache and I left my letter long enough to fill it up with oil of cloves. From the way it feels now I am liable to have a good time with it. The first of the week will probably see me at the dentist.

I’ve told you about all for tonight, dearest, and do hope I’ll get a letter Monday telling me of your safe flight yesterday and all about it, the sensation, etc.

My folks send their very best love to you, dear. And you know that every bit of m y love is for you and will be always. Yours was a very sweet letter and I liked it so much. Some more like that please when you have time.

Once again all my love and a million kisses (maskless too – joke?) to my very own boy. Oh, Wilt said the quarantine at U.C. was to be lifted today.

Good-night, my sweetheart – I love you.

Forever your own

March Field, Riverside, California
November 10, 1918
10:00 AM

My dear little girl -

Sweet this is my afternoon off and I have written several letters to the family and one to my former boss. Just as I started to write we had a fire in camp and were all called out to extinguish same. I helped with the hose cart and we only lost a tent. Suppose I better first tell you what I did today. Flew at 6:30 and did most of the driving - for fifty minutes - did some climbing and more driving and everything went fine - did not even have a scare as I handle the boat very carefully. Gee but they made us learn quickly and think nothing of it. I fly again Monday but take a later hour all next week - probably 8:30 and start in landing ourselves - all the boys do the same thing.

About the war - I'm praying that Germany signs that note and all bets are called off. Was so excited when the reports came out but I doubted then being true by the time of them. But I think its all over & I hope they will discharge us quickly so my sweet little girl and I can have our life of real love together as it should be.

Received the story in the Fresno papers today & thought it real nice. The picture is to run tomorrow Sunday. Herbert wrote me today and said all my fellow chums were in congratulating him and wanted to know if you were a very tall girl.

Sweetheart Jens letter was a dear wasn't it - and I am returning it in another envelope with a couple of others. The one from Ike Alexander I wish you would answer with a tiny note just for him. If you remember we met him at the Palace that night when we were rushing out. He is a fine fellow & one of my best friends.

My dear I sent my letters all to Monterey because I thot [sic] you would be there so most likely you had to patiently wait for the first one. I'm sorry love but I did as you directed. Your letter today was so sweet that it just made me long for you and I assure you sweet that I realize how much we have to live for an am just as careful as can be and if I don't do stunts fast enough for them, I'll let them throw me out and take my chances on the future. I'm going to learn my ship completely before I go alone but so far I find it not at all difficult.

Still in quarantine but I think they will lift it next week. I'm sending you a copy of the paper they issue down here. So glad you bought the pin you like and anything your little heart desire, don't forget your Sig is very anxious that you shall have it.

Dear don't forget to write to Mother as often as you can and I'm so glad you are well & happy. I am the same - never get enough to eat. I'm even hungry after I come down from the air. Bye bye my own little dear and all the love in the work and lots & lots of kisses.

Your little worshipper

Monterey - Telegram
November 11, 1918 - 10:30 AM
Flying Cadet Sigmund Levy
March Field Calif
Wonderful good news Everyone happy Good Luck Much Love
11:33 A

November 11, 1918 – 9 PM
Monday eve
[March Field]

My dearest Boy

I was so overjoyed this morn at the wonderful news that I just had to telegraph you and hope you received my telegram O.K. At 4:20 A.M. I was awakened by whistles blowing and bells ringing out the joyous news of peace. They kept the racket up for two hours and started it again at nine this morn. Then at two this aft all the automobiles who could paraded and everyone was so happy. Everything was closed up so we went for a lovely ride around the 17 mile drive and just returned.

My, but I was busy this afternoon down town receiving congratulations from friends I met, dear. It was rather hard to recognize people in their masks but I managed to.

And to think that my boy is really flying. Received your letter this morn and was so happy to get it and to learn that your first flight was so successful and I hope the rest have been likewise. And now that the war is a thing of the past, love, am so anxious to know what they are going to do about discharging you. Guess now that you have had a start at flying you would like to continue but I’d rather have you safe on terra firma. And I hope my wishes will have some weight. But it must have been a wonderful sensation – flying 2000 ft and I am so proud to think of my boy being so brave and fearless. If conditions hadn’t changed you would have probably been driving alone in a very short time. I am wondering and wondering if they will still continue to train you. Hope not. So please, let me know, sweetheart, about it as soon as you can.

Those were lovely letters from your cousins and I want to answer them but don’t know their last names or addresses. Please send them.

Am so sorry that the food is miserable. Hope it improves. Want to send you something but don’t know what will keep for so long a journey as to Riverside. Will try to send a cake.

Oh, Wilt phoned at 8:30 this morn to rejoice with us. Said they got word at 1 A.M. and everyone dresses and paraded over the campus and there were several bands out to[sic]. I can just imagine how immense the noise was in S.F.

I am sending you the clipping from the S.F. Chronicle. They didn’t put it in the way I gave it but we should worry.

My girl friend and I are going to see a young married couple for awhile tonight. Shall I try to get some pointers, love? I don’t think we need any, though.

I liked you stationery again. Where do you get such cute paper?

Believe me, dearest, I am so happy tonight and am just bubbling over and how I’d like to see you so we could be happy together. Your love is so wonderful and I love you so very much and now we can really plan for the future and our hopes will be realisms quite soon.

I hear the whistle of the evening train and I wonder if the train could be bringing me a letter from you. Possibly I won’t hear until tomorrow.

All for tonight, love. Be the best boy in the world and be careful. All the love that my heart possesses for you dear and a whole lot of kisses from

Your very own

Am so glad that your cough is gone and please don’t get any more. It is nice that you and Wedekind are chuming[sic] together as he seemed to be a very nice young man.

March Field, Riverside, California
November 11, 1918 - 9:30 AM
Sunday aft.

My sweet little lover:

Haven't a bit of news to write today but you must have a note. I guess by now you see I have been just as faithful as yourself. I have written every day excepting the first which was a physical impossibility. But my love it also gives me so much comfort to write to you and to receive your wonderfully loving letters. But I am getting so lonesome to have you in my arms - honest I'll never let go when we do get together.

Your letters arrive so regularly and I get them just after I return from flying and they sure give me enjoyment.

Today we have all day off & I have been getting my clothes and things together. Had a nice bath and Wedekind and I have just been taking it easy because next week will be very strenuous.

I'm anxious to receive that letter from Leon as I didn't get any. So glad you phoned to Mother. I received a note from her today - she being so happy that this war is almost over. Gee I hope so dear and that I can soon be with you and then our little family will be the happiest in the world.

We are still in quarantine so no chance for a furlough but I will try for one as soon as it is lifted.

I forgot to tell you that my nice trunk was smashed up on the way down. They put a big hole completely thru the end. I put in a claim to the S.P. & hope I get paid the loss.

I'm at the Y.M. - it's certainly a nice place to hang out. Buell Feltz just came in - he bunks near me so I see him often.

The canteen is just across the road from here - and we all usually have an afternoon tea party over there - a little of milk & cookies. That's all you can buy down here - no ice cream or cakes of chocolate or anything of that nature. But we had a good lunch today - real apple pie - I ate almost a whole one. But I really think I'm getting fat - at least it feels that way but we have no scales so cannot weight. I hope you are picking up my love, and know you will at home. If I had you now I would just kiss you a thousand times and love you like you love to be loved. But it won't be long dear and we'll have that, and some more and more.

It is really warm today and I am enjoying it. I'll send my suit case tomorrow as the post office is closed today. Haven't received any more letters concerning our engagement, but its nice you are hearing nice things from all your friends.

Bye-bye for today my sweet little dear . All my love to you and a lot more.

Your own lover

Did you get all my letters?

(mailed) November 12, 1918 – 3 PM
Sunday Evening (November 11)
[March Field]

My own Dearest

We just returned from the loveliest ride over to Watsonville, which is about forty miles from here. Mother, Dad and my chum went and we took our lunch and ate it on the way. We had a nice hot lunch and enjoyed it muchly. But during our meal I kept saying how much nicer it would have been if only Wilt and Sig were with us. And I meant it too, love. We found the nicest little beach and a little boat that we sat in to eat and had fun saying how much we enjoyed the boat ride.

We reached home at 6 o’clock then ate some more. Then my chum, Mother & I sat talking until now – 9 o’clock. And my boy had to wait all this time for his letter to be written. But I didn’t forget you.

Sweetheart, our announcement appeared in both papers – fairly good articles, the Chronicle one is the best and I’ll send you the clipping as soon as I procure another copy. So we have had plenty of publicity for a little while, don’t you think? Republican, Monterey Cypress, Chronicle, Examiner, and Emanuel.

It was one glorious day today and I wondered what you were doing all day. I am hoping that you won’t have to fly every day. The Kaiser has abdicated but whether that means peace or not we’ll have to wait for. Let us hope tomorrow sees the signing of the armistice and then, sweet, our happiness will be complete, and everything will be fine.

Hope your cough is all gone by now and that you are your old self once more. Take the best cared of yourself, dear, and I hope you are required to wear your mask so you don’t take any chances of the return of the “flu”. Everyone here has to wear them so I feel right at home in mine.

Started a letter to Leon and hope to finish it after yours. Still have my notes to answer and shall do so tomorrow.

Hope I get a letter from you early in the morning. Do you like me to write to you every day? If it gives you any pleasure, believe me I am willing to do it and I hope my letters won’t get too uninteresting from lack of news. But I guess all you want to know is that I am fine and won’t mind about the other.

Do I need to tell you how much I love you tonight? If you want to know here it is – as much as ever only more so, so much so that all I can say is that I love you, love you and love you and will always.

All my kisses, dearest, to my boy from his own

The folks send their love to you, dearest.
Did Chester Rowell die? Mother has an idea that she saw his death in the paper.

November 12, 1918 – 6 PM
[March Field]

My own Dearest

If you could see me now you would enjoy it – am as busy as a bee acknowledging some of the notes of congratulation and believe me, it is no joke. Just wrote a long letter to your mother, dear, it was the very first opportunity I have had to do so. My, but I’ve been busy – have really had no time to myself since I came home. Spent a pleasant evening last night and tonight am going to one of the girl’s houses. With this constant going I’ll never gain weight.

The letter written Saturday and the one written Sunday both came this morn. The envelope with the notes came last night and when I got it I wondered why you hadn’t added a line. And I enjoyed both your letters so much and felt fine to think everything was going so well. Then your telegram came and it upset me considerably on account of the wording. That “everybody fine” got me and “Levy”. Could someone else have sent it and was something wrong? I thought. Expected something to be said about Peace in answer to mine but not a word. Of course, sweetheart, I appreciate your thoughtfulness of me when you are too busy to write and told you to telegraph me but this one wasn’t explicit enough.

I am such a worrisome creature especially now that you are flying, that I take every little thing and weigh it. So you had better write one word “well” on a card instead when you can’t write. Love, I am so anxious to hear what the termination of all this will be now that we have peace and I wish you could stop flying immediately so my mind will be at rest. They surely give you little time to get started flying before you get control of everything. Just think you haven’t been there a week and you are already driving and doing stunts. But stop, dear, as soon as you can.

Isn’t it the most wonderful thing to think that we have actually stopped fighting. What a glorious Thanksgiving this will be. You can just bet that I have a lot to be thankful for, love.

Dearest, that was an odd letter from Ike Alexander. He said “I read your ad in the paper.” Funny he should call it an ad. I remember the night we met him distinctly.

Am so sorry you don’t get enough to eat and what you like. If I get to it this afternoon yet I’ll get you some chocolate and send it to you in your bag. Mother is going to bake you a cake of some description but hasn’t gotten to it yet. We haven’t done anything that we should do.

That was O.K., dear, about your sending my mail here. Dad brought your first letter to Salinas for me. Guess I’ve received all of them – four in number. And they have all been so nice and I am glad you miss me so much as it is nice to be missed. It is a mutual feeling I assure you. A very interesting paper March Fld publishes and I read it through.

Was sorry to hear that your trunk was damaged. Surely the railroad company should reimburse you.

It has clouded up and the wind is blowing so it looks like we are due for a good rain storm.

Have still to write to the Wieners today, then I am through until I get those other addresses from you. Hope I don’t get any more notes for awhile, then I won’t have to answer any. Weren’t those odd notes from Mrs. Parch. How could she tell what I was like in one meeting. Mystery.

While I sit here writing I incidently[sic] look at my ring occasionally and admire it. Everyone who has seen it thinks it is a beauty. My girl friend said she would like to steal it.

No more today, my own boy, and how I do hope everything is breaking splendidly. As usual my wish – be careful - You sent me so much love, dearest, and I almost thought you were here giving it to me in person – wish you were but I can see that day not far off, can’t you, love I am sending, herewith, all my love to you, every bit, and all my kisses too, so be happy for I am very happy.

Always your very, very own

March Field, Riverside, California
November 13, 198
5:30 AM

My sweetheart -

I only have a few seconds so will write just a tiny note. Not a thing new except that I am relieved from flying indefinitely. Should get some order today - would you be glad if I were discharged?

Well love the minute I get anything from headquarters I'll let you know. If you haven't sent the hand grip don't send it for the present.

I planned on having nights to myself so I would write you nice long letters but with K.P. I'm out of luck.

I sure have enough work to do and was certainly tired out yesterday. No letter came yesterday but guess it was delayed. The quarantine will not be lifted here for a couple of weeks.

Well my sweet girls I must hurriedly close as I have to report. Be a good little girl and I love you so much and I may see you soon. Loads of love to you and to your folks.

Your boy

November 13, 1918 – 6 PM
[March Field]

My own Love,

No mail from you yet and I am hoping that everything is fine. Was some worried about the telegram yesterday but feel better about it today.

Oh, dearest, when Dad came home at noon he brought me a package and when I opened same found it to be a beautiful pink silk kimono from your mother! And a beauty it is and you can bet, dear, that I am crazy about it. It was simply lovely of your mother and I am going to write to her immediately to thank her but how can I be able to express my appreciation. I had planned on getting one later on as I have always been so fond of them. Picture your little girl in it, dear.

Received a very sweet card from Mrs. Schuman today. Am not sending it to you as you were probably the recipient of one also.

I sent your bag to you yesterday and slipped in a little chocolate. Wanted to send more but the assortment is punk. And I had an idea you didn’t like it with nuts in and it all seems to come that way. But if it suits you, love, let me know and I’ll send you some more.

It started to rain hard last night but cleared up in a little while. Spent a very nice evening with three of the girls and they treated me so nice – in as much as I am an “engaged girl.” So you see, dear, it is something to be engaged.

Am sleepy today as have been keeping quite late hours since I’ve been home. You know when I don’t have to get up at any definite time I never think about going to bed at night.

Haven’t a bit of news to tell you today, love, as everything seems to be running along quite as usual. I can hardly realize that the war is over and that before long everything will be running along as before. My, but you’ll be happy to get away from army life, won’t you dear, and I’ll be so glad to have you away from it, too, it can’t be too soon to suit me.

All the luck possible, sweetheart, if you are still flying and please still be as careful as possible.

Mother just called in for me to give you her love.

All the love possible to my sweet boy and write when you can. I love you even more than usual, if that’s possible, dearest, and a whole lot of wonderful kisses from

Your very own

P.S. Just had a letter from Wilt in which he said he heard that the boys would have to remain in camp until next July. If that will be the case with you, wish you would leave flying if possible and go into a training camp where it will be safe as you know I’ll never be at ease while you are flying. I am so anxious for particulars about the demobilization of the troops.


March Field, Riverside, California
November 14, 1918
Wednesday night

My sweet girl,

It has been raining hard late this aft and is keeping it up. I have a little while off so I will write another note. Am at the y.m. and the lights have been out so I am delayed again.

What do you think my dear I received three letters from you today. The one you wrote Monday coming before Sunday's and I sure did enjoy them and of course I want one every day. All I do is go to the P.O. looking for them and they are so sweet - honest dear I treasure them.

I'm so glad you are so happy and I think your wish (the big one that has worried you so much) has been fulfilled - about my flying - I am grounded for good for no other reason than being too small and I now have been detailed as orderly doing office work at headquarters. Spent all of today there and will stay for some time unless changed. I will be called before the board of officers at the discretion (when they are ready) and at that time will hear what is programmed for me. Until then I know nothing excepting that I don't fly.

I hope sweetheart that now your worrying is all over as I did not protest at all on account of you and Mother & when I see you I'll have a lot to tell. You know - the air is very fascinating there is a feeling that one can't describe especially when one feels at ease in the ship as I did.

About the telegram. I'm sorry but I worded it this way. No time to write today - everything fine - and signed it Sig Levy but I guess they got it all mixed up.

About my cousin's address I don't know it but Mother can give it to you - their last name is Benas.

And I'll explain about Alexander's expression "I saw your ad". He is an ex-newspaper man & in newspaper circles it is a common thing when anything appears about a person to use the expression. So don't think any sarcasm was connected with same as he is one of the truest friends I have.

I have heard nothing about Mr. Rowells death - if you get anymore on it send it will you please sweet.

You don't know how much it pleases me that you are writing to Mother. I will return your letters sent me in another envelopes.

I've had so much enjoyment reading your letters this evening and you see all your wishes are coming as you want them. I feel that my prediction will come true - that all will come out O.K.

My sweet, your expressions of love are so wonderful and I feel just as you do. In fact I am bubbling over with pretty love for you and it is growing more and more and everything I do is with the thot [sic] for your happiness.

With you at home enjoying yourself gee it makes me feel fine and have a real good time my love. I'l be with you soon.

Your own boy

While today is a day to celebrate the end of World War I and to thank all veterans for their service, I am relishing in the love my grandparents shared with one another and for allowing me (and all of you) to share in their feelings 100 years ago.


  1. Lovely letters! Do you have all those news clippings of their engagement announcement? Was he really disappointed that they didn't let him fly because he was short? Thanks for sharing!

    1. I have some of the clippings but not sure I have all of them. I don't remember ever knowing that he flew and I really don't remember him talking about being short, although it's pretty obvious that he was. :-)
