Sig wrote on November 28, 1918 that he was hoping to be released from March Field soon. Here’s some excerpts from that letter.
Riverside, California
November 28, 1918 - 10:30 AM
Wednesday night
My dear Lover:
I have a few more moments to myself tonight. Almost everyone went to Riverside this noon to stay over Thanksgiving but I didn't go because the flu is running wild over there and there is a possibility of me getting out tomorrow and I don't want to lose my chance.
I was quite disappointed today as they drew out the first lot of names to leave tomorrow but I missed it. Gee I haven't had any luck but I think I may get in as a substitute or else I'll be held over another day. We have everything turned in but our blankets and are just waiting for the quartermaster to make out pay checks but the whole thing is a big job. We had our turkey dinner today and they loaded us with food but as luck would have it, they made so many announcements on the line that by the time we went in to eat all the food was cold. But that's the way we eat all the time and one has to be tough here to live.
And sweetheart you dear girl - that wonderful cake arrived this afternoon - it certainly looked pretty and I treated the office force. Tell your dear mother that it was delicious and I thank her so much. I didn't open the other box yet as we have eaten too much today but thanks a lot dear for your everlasting thoughtfulness.
Love, I haven't had time to write about our future in the last letter or two but I agree with you to decide on things when we see each other and talk it all over. I'll have to go direct to Fresno as Herb is up against it. Just had a letter from him that two more in the office are leaving and he needs me badly. So I'll go there and get things in order and my sweet I'll get up to see you and be with you to love as soon as possible. I'm so anxious to be with you, so I'll do my best even if at first it will be just for a tiny while. But I'll write you just how things are. From the papers it appears that Fresno is getting ready for a boom and we sure want to get in on it. Our firm sold about six homes within the last two weeks.
All for tonight my sweet little lover. Thanks so much for all your wonderful love. It just makes me long for you in my arms - and then you know how that feels - would you like to be there now? A big hug and a lot and lot of kisses to you, sweetheart. Hope my next letter will be from Fresno.
Always your lover
Boy, this guy is SMITTEN with her! The love just oozes off the page.
And then the most glorious thing happened – Loraine received a telegram telling her he was all finished and leaving for Fresno! I can only imagine how excited she must have been to get this news. Who says telegrams are usually bad news?
Somehow he’d managed to get on a train and was headed home.
And the next day, Loraine received a special delivery letter with a Fresno postmark – Sig was home!
Fresno, California
November 29, 1918 - 11 PM
Friday night
My sweetheart
I'm late tonight as I've had a strenuous day. Honest darling I'm just worn out from shaking hands with everybody, almost, that I met on the streets and of course I had to answer a million questions. Herbert was delighted that I came back as he sure needs me. I found the office very busy and badly in need of help so I'll have to dive in and do my best in the emergency. The man who is running the rent dept is leaving so that makes it worse. But it will all work its way out.
At any rate I'm home again and I really can't believe it. Sweet it seems like a dream and everything seems so strange but I sure received a royal welcome from people even who barely know me and congratulations of our engagement were showered on me. If you were with me tonight you could help me calm down - and mainly love me a lot.
John Mallon came up the valley with me and we caught the first train out of Riverside - changed at L.A. making close connections and arrived here early this a.m. I am feeling fine sweetheart but naturally very tired and might say a trifle excited. Am staying at Herb's house - he wouldn't allow me to stay at the big home all alone so I'll stay with them a while at least. The babes are so cute and I'm having a lot of fun with Herbie Jr.
And I first just left Dick and Helen - poor kid leaves at 3 a.m. for Virginia. He is on a furlough and tried to get discharged while here but nothing doing. They wouldn't allow him an extension or anything - wired him to come right back.
Was a little worried tonight when the papers said Kaiser was trying to start again. Wouldn't it be awful if things would open up for another fight. Dearest I hope not but I think it is all newspaper talk.
Naturally I missed your last letter. I didn't know definitely about my final discharge until the very last moment but I wired you the first moment possible which was in L.A. We traveled so fast we couldn't get to a telegraph office until then. Are you glad dear it's all over. I'll get things running more smoothly here and then I'll come up to be with you. Gee I wish Leon or Ben was here.
Well sweet what do you know - and how are you? Think of it I'm going to sleep in a real bed tonight - and I must hurry home as I don't want to wake the babes. I'll try and write my letters to you in the afternoon hereafter.
I'm hoping for a letter from you tomorrow. It will sure be welcome because I haven't had any of your love in writing for a couple of days and I miss it so much.
Helen and Dick send their very best to you - and she certainly said nice things about you.
Will try and write things more interesting tomorrow love but I certainly have been thinking a lot of my sweet girl - and as soon as I can my dear I'll be in your arms. I'll write again tomorrow so goodnight my dear girl and more love than ever tonight and a big lot of kisses.
Your own boy
After Loraine received the telegram, but before she received Sig’s letter of November 29, she wrote her own letter to Sig and mailed it off to Fresno.
November 29, 1918 – 3 pm
[1933 Fresno Street]
My Sweetheart
My, how wonderful it must feel to you to be at home after an absence of nearly five months. After receiving your wire early this morn I thought of you and how busy you must be greeting all your old friends again. Your letter written Tuesday eve didn’t come until this morn and with the special delivery I received it at 8 o’clock.
Your letter written Wednesday also came this morn so I had the good luck to get two letters and a wire.
Am so glad that you could leave yesterday and am anxious to hear how you finally got on the list. I can just imagine how fine you feel to be once more free. It is a “grand and glorious” feeling, isn’t it, dear?
I believe March Field is one of the first camps to demobilize and after all, love, it was for the best for you to go into aviation. How beautifully everything has turned out!
Am glad the cake reached you before you left and that it was good. Guess my letters written Wednesday and yesterday will be forwarded to you or returned to me. Now that you are home let me know if and when you want your racquet, knife and Shrine pin and I’ll send them to you.
We spent a very quiet day yesterday. Drove over to Salinas in the afternoon. It was a very pretty out but quite cold. We had a very nice dinner all by ourselves and had just finished it when Uncle Col phoned to wish us a pleasant day. Uncle Milt, Aunt Chas. and Wilt were there also so we talked to the whole family. Wilt won’t be able to come home until Xmas. Cal won the big game yesterday by a score of 67-0, which doesn’t speak very well of Stanford’s team.
Hallie came down yesterday but I haven’t seen her yet. Expect to have her for dinner tonight and we may later go for a ride. And tomorrow night I am going to have all the girls at my house for a little reunion. Hallie goes home Sunday so it is just a flying trip.
Dear, I didn’t mean any harm when I sent you that spec. del. Stamp. Didn’t know if you could procure one and I wanted to experiment. It didn’t work very well, however, as it didn’t come until this a.m. anyway. There will be no need of you sending my letter for Sunday special as I found out that Sunday evening’s mail doesn’t come in until the following morn.
Sweetheart, do you still want to write every day or would you rather cut it down to every other day now that you are “safe and sound” at home? Tell me when this letter reaches you so I will know how to mail them.
I really didn’t expect you to come here before you went home as Fresno is so much nearer than Monterey. I sort of hoped you would come but now I’ll know not to expect you until it is possible and that will probably be some time as you will have to stay home now and get everything into running order.
Did you notice the envelope? It looks quite different minus Cadet and means different, too.
I’ve told you all I know for today, dearest, and if I write tomorrow it will just be a note as I am waiting for your letter telling me all about everything.
Please give my very best regards to Herbert and Madeline and thank Herbert for me for sending my picture, etc. Haven’t had a chance to write to him yet. You’ve seen the new baby by now and is she cute?
Sweetheart, I am sending you a whole lot of love and kisses. I’ll admit I’d rather have the latter real ones than on paper, they would seem different to me, so I’ll save most of them. The folks thank you for your love and send theirs in return.
Always fondly
your Loraine
I just love being able to put all of these letters together and understanding what their responses to each other were. How many people have an opportunity to read these back and forth letters between their grandparents nearly 100 years ago?
It’s official – SIG IS HOME!